U.S. Route 6 (US 6), also called the Grand Army of the Republic Highway,US Route 6 Tourist Association is working to save our American Heritage through Cultural Preservation, see what's new in economic development.

U.S. Route 6 Tourist Association
1657 S.W. Old Clifton Rd.
Port Orchard, WA.  98367
Phone: 360/876-5063


Route 6 Tour
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Joe Hurley,
Walking the "6"

STOP.jpg (21491 bytes)


Welcome to the Nevada web page of the
U.S. Route 6 Tourist Association

The U.S. Route 6 Tourist Association is a
Not-for-profit IRS 501 (c) (3) "Public Charity"

Federal ID Number: 91-2136205

The Association is dedicated to the economic development and cultural preservation of inner cities, small towns and rural communities located along all 3,652 miles of historic U.S. Route 6, aka the Grand Army of the Republic (Memorial) Highway. We are all volunteers, either retired or keeping our day jobs. Sponsorships and Donations are used to help support our Sr. High School and College Student Internship Programs. Join the Team!

"Working to preserve our American Heritage"

Sponsorships Application

NOTE: You can also use the below Donate to pay for sponsorships.

Remembrance Day - May 28, 2023
Dirt the Cat

In Memory of the Passing of Dirt the Cat.
Official Mascot and Greeter of the Nevada Northern Railway
Ely, Nevada

Nevada Northern Railway Museum Historic train ride

We knew he was beloved, not only by us, but also by people around the world. Our Facebook post that announced his passing has reached nearly 2 million people. Phenomenal! Because of this outpouring of support, I would like to make two announcements.

The first is that we will be honoring Dirt, The Boss Shop Cat on the Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend, May 28th.

Secondly, we have hired a sculptor to create two life-size bronzes of Dirt. If you would like to contribute to having the bronzes made, we have a special account set up for contributions, it is named Dollars for Dirt, click here to contribute.

We plan to unveil Dirt’s Statute and Headstone on May 28, 2023 at 10:00 am. This is the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. We will be operating two trains that day, the first one is 11:30 am, for tickets click here, the second train is at 2:00 pm, for tickets click here.

Because of all of the interest and support, the museum is committed to having two bronze statues made. One statue and a gravestone will be over his burial place. This is near the East Ely Depot where he can look out over the train yard and watch all of our activities. The second statue will be displayed in the engine house where he was born at the Nevada Northern Railway National Historical Landmark in Ely, Nevada.

In Dirt’s passing, he has transformed from being our Boss Shop Cat to becoming an ambassador for Heritage Railroading across the country and around the world. Dirt’s physical presence has left us, but his spirituality is still with us and will be for as long as steam locomotives still operate.

I consider Dirt following in the paw prints of Smoky the Bear. Smokey was a real bear cub that survived a forest fire. He eventually transformed into a symbol of fire prevention, “Only YOU can prevent forest fires.”

I see Dirt, The Boss Shop Cat doing the same thing. Dirt will help us reach new people to explain why the preservation of our steam railroading heritage is so important. Dirt, will also be instrumental in helping us teach railroad safety to children.

Dirt was and still is truly amazing. As long as the big wheels keep turning here, Dirt will be with us all. It’s a tall order, but then again, who knew that the runt of the litter, a little orange and white ball of fur would become such a colossus in the world of heritage railroading!

I hope you can join us on May 28th, we look forward to having you join us in celebrating the life of Dirt, the Boss Shop Cat. We will try to livestream the event for those of you who can’t make it.

Only in ELY!

Artist concept of NNRY's Currie, NV depot Relocated and Restored at Star Flats

Artist concept of NNRY's Currie, NV depot
Relocated and Restored at Star Flats

Dear Friends, (July 2021)

Thank you for all of your support. It was successful.

The White Pine County Commissioners voted unanimously to include the Nevada Northern Railway's Phase VI Star Viewing Station project as one of their recommendations to the Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act (SNPLMA) Board for funding. We received over 400 letters of support from White Pine County, the State of Nevada, across the United States and one letter from Japan! Thanks to that wonderful support, we were included as one of the recommended projects.

The next step is for us to put together the grant proposal. The improvements covered in this grant proposal are:

Improve the railroad track on the HiLine for a better Star Train experience.
Relocation of the original historic Currie, NV depot from its current location (71 miles north of Ely) to the Star Flats Viewing Area (see artist rendering, above).
Restoration of the Currie depot and repurposing as living quarters for star interpreters in addition to creating modern restroom facilities for passengers.
Expansion of the existing star platform to expand the capacity for Star Trains, as well as providing a location for additional programming.

Once the grant proposal is put together it will go to the Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act (SNPLMA) Board for funding. That should be before the end of the year.

Again THANK YOU for all of your support! This is a very exciting project that will expand our programming and better yet, save a historic Nevada Northern Railway building the Currie Depot.


Mark S. Bassett
President, Nevada Northern Railway





Layout of the proposed Star Flats program area

Express Your Support
To Open The Railroad to McGill

Dear Friends,

This is about opening the Railroad's branch line into McGill. The Nevada Northern Railway Foundation has a grant pending before the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) Southern Nevada Public Lands Advisory Committee to open the railroad track to McGill Nevada. The amount of the project is $10,168,421. Our project was in Round 18, "Parks, Trails, and Natural Areas" It was recommended for Secondary Funding, but now needs to be promoted to Primary Funding.

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is accepting written comments on these nominations until close of business (4:30 PM Pacific Time) on Wednesday April 14, 2021.

Commentsmay be sent via email to:

Please mention "Nevada Northern Railway Phase III, Ely railroad right-of-way (East Ely to McGil Depots) in White Pine County, NV" in your comment. It does not have to be long. It is most effective to start your comment saying that you are in favor of funding the project.

The government committee will meet in May to review comments received and develop a final recommendation for consideration by the Secretary of the Interior in consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture.

The Foundation is almost done with restoring the McGill Depot. Opening the track to McGill will once again bring trains to McGill and increase tourism opportunities for the community.

Funding of this project will once again open the railroad track to the McGill Depot from the East Ely Depot. Opening the railroad to McGill will increase tourism for both Ely and McGill. This will create jobs in both communities as well as business opportunities too. The opening of the railroad to McGill will open large swatches of BLM land to the public for their recreational enjoyment.

This is a win-win for both communities. Please take a moment and send an email today.


The Abandoned Tracks of the Nevada Northern - Mc Gill and Ely - YouTube


Railroad Museum - Ely, NV - AOL Video Search Results
Nevada Northern Railway -- National Historic Landmark

* * * * * *

Travel Nevada on U.S. Highway 6

Travel Back in Time!

History – Tonopah Historic Mining Park

Travel Nevada on US Highway 6 - The Nevada Travel Network

A Special "Thank You" to The Nevada Travel Network
for making this Wonderful Web Site Available on the Internet.

Picture by Frank Hargrove - March 2012



OK - here's a quicky. Same place as one before but no snow. This is the west side of Montgomery Pass, NV. Old US 6 looking southwest towards the Sierra Nevada's. The new alignment is to the right which was constructed in '62. Not far past where the two highways disappear is the CA border. This area is one of my favorite old road obsessions. When I was kid (about 7) the highways pavement & white / double yellow lines were very visible, but the road was very abandoned. It even sported the signs "Road Not Maintained, Drive At Your Own Risk - Nevada Highway Department" (some are still there). I begged, bargained, anything to get my parents to drive on it or at least stop so I could walk on it - never happened. Every time we went to my grandparents I would look forward to staring at all the old alignments, especially this one. By the time I traveled this myself it was more of a jeep trail than an old highway, although when your on it you can still see the pavement in some sections. I have driven coming from the opposite direction.


The U.S. Route 6 Tourist Association is seeking that special individual for the position of Executive Director for the State of Nevada.

The Association is currently in the process of creating state divisions of the National Association.

Our programs are serious. Our activities are educational, fun and family oriented.

Sr. High School and College student interns play a major role in
our development and programs.

The Executive Director would oversee all programs and activities within the state, and work closely with local communities, city, county, state and federal agencies.  He / she is authorized to apply for grants and manage development programs.


The U.S. Route 6 Tourist Association is a Not-for-profit IRS 501 (c) (3) Public Charity dedicated to the economic development and cultural preservation of inner cities, small towns and rural communities located along all 3,652 miles of the Grand Army of the Republic Highway.

For additional information contact Russell J. Lombard, President/CEO at: RussUSRoute6@aol.com
NOTE: We are currently all non-paid volunteers, either retired or keeping our day jobs. Some of our student interns have worked their way up to the position of Executive Director. The Association covers all expenses related directly to Association activities.


Please excuse our mess while we update this page with new content.

Click here to return to the Nevada map page.

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Help US Route 6 Tourist Association. Your help is appreciated.
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Tax Information: The Route 6 Tourist Association is registered as a 501(c)(3) public charity non-profit organization.
Contributions to the Route 6 Tourist Association are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
The Route 6 Tourist Association Federal ID Number is: 91-2136205.
If you have any questions or suggestions about this web site, please contact