How Can You Become a Student Intern with U.S. Route 6 Tourist Association?

How Can You Become a Student Intern with U.S. Route 6 Tourist Association? is often asked, here’s that answer.

Student interns are volunteers from High Schools and Colleges who wish to participate in promoting historic U.S. Route 6 as a registered scenic byway and destination highway.

Learn valuable job skills while helping to preserve a piece of America for future generations.  Join as an individual or a group.  Also, contact your school counselor about volunteering.  Since U.S. Route 6 Tourist Association is a non-profit 501(c) 3  organization, your efforts may be eligible for extra school credits.

We offer opportunities in Audio/Visual productions, office administration, journalism and research, and much more.

Please send a letter to and receive an application.  For all other applications, write to the main office,

Parents are also encouraged to participate.